Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Quebec latest decommissioning supply chain opportunity

Quebec latest decommissioning supply chain opportunity: "In Canada’s largest province of Quebec, Hydro Quebec has announced that the only nuclear power plant that exists there is to be shut down in a $1.8m project, where the decommissioning process will take up to 50 years.
Quebec Hydro recently revealed that the Gentilly-2 generating station that has been in reliably in operation since 1983 will stop producing electricity on December 28 this year.
It was decided that the plant will cease to be in operation due to financial reasons, after an audit revised refurbishment cycle costs up to $4.3bn, which was a significant increase on the original cost of rebuilding.
Hydro Quebec has said that it will release further detailed analysis of why they decided to pull the plug on the plant.
When the plant becomes dormant, plans are in place of how stage by stage the building will be decommissioned. Initially there will be an 18- month period where staff will be involved in defueling the reactor, treating the heavy water and deactivating several systems."

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