Wednesday, 31 October 2012

UK Energy Minister signals end of the wind farm

UK Energy Minister signals end of the wind farm: "The relentless march of onshore wind farms is at an end, a minister declared last night.
Insisting ‘enough is enough’, John Hayes said turbines had been ‘peppered around the country’ with little or no regard for local opinion.
He said existing sites and those in the pipeline would be enough to meet green commitments with no need for more.
‘Even if a minority of what’s in the system is built we are going to reach our 2020 target,’ he said. ‘I’m saying enough is enough.’
But the remarks sparked furious coalition row, with Lib Dem Energy Secretary Ed Davey warning Mr Hayes at face-to-face meeting this morning that he does not decide government policy.
Mr Hayes told the Mail he had commissioned research on the impact of wind turbines on the landscape and whether they drive down house prices.
He has also asked scientists to examine noise complaints and more sinister suggestions that the turbines endanger military aircraft by blocking radar signals.
The intervention by Mr Hayes, who became energy minister in last month’s reshuffle, will delight 100-plus fellow Tory MPs who have urged David Cameron to take a more sceptical approach to onshore wind power."

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