Wednesday, 5 September 2012

SMRs in MENA: a suitable solution for markets with smaller grid capacity?

A good read: SMRs in MENA: a suitable solution for markets with smaller grid capacity? .."Small modular reactors, also known as small and medium reactors or SMRs (defined by the IAEA as having ratings of under 300MW and up to 700MW, respectively) theoretically cost just a fraction of a full-size reactor.
Furthermore, since many of the components for an SMR can be assembled in a factory and then shipped ready-built, the concept should be much quicker and easier to deploy than a standard LWR.
This means a nation can invest more gradually in nuclear power, funding a rising number of SMRs as requirements dictate rather than having to commit upfront to a massive investment programme.
And because of their smaller capacity and built-in passive safety systems, they might conceivably be easier to legislate for and grant permission to. "

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