Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Can US nuclear supply chain compete and win abroad?

Can US nuclear supply chain compete and win abroad?  ..."The US supply chain is coping with the likes of Southern Co's Vogtle nuclear power project. But non-US projects and suppliers abroad are gaining pace with new contract wins, which begs the question: are US companies prepared to compete with the new breed of competition abroad?
While the nuclear energy sector welcomes new MOUs in emerging nuclear energy markets; addressing US-led financing, sales and training contracts in today's deal markets, such as the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, China, Eastern Europe and India is perhaps a more pressing matter. The United States Ex-Im Bank is helping to move things along in this regard.
In June, United States Ex-Im Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg spoke at the Center for American Progress on US competitiveness overseas. He said that American companies' ability to win foreign sales is being “challenged by a dramatic rise in official export credit financing.” Hochberg also outlined how the US could become the world's leading exporter again and how American businesses can compete globally amidst the rise of state-driven capital. "

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