Sunday, 8 July 2012

Saskatchewan Seeking Nuclear Leadership

Saskatchewan Seeking Nuclear Leadership: it is great to see at least somewhere in Canada some positive development is happening in the field of nuclear! "The goal is to have Saskatchewan among the global leaders in nuclear research, development and training.
The Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation, which is funded by the Province of Saskatchewan, and is a not-for-profit subsidiary of the University of Saskatchewan, has issued a pilot call for research proposals.
CCNI spokesperson, Matthew Dalzell, says this initial call will fund a total of 500-thousand dollars for anywhere from five to 30 projects.
He explains this first call is a chance to check out the internal processes before launching full scale calls twice annually, with larger amounts of funding.
With these projects, a Saskatchewan-based researcher will be the lead researcher, but it is also encouraged to build networks of experts, so researchers can reach out to experts outside of the province as well.
The projects can focus on one of four areas: nuclear medicine, how to make and use materials using nuclear techniques, nuclear energy, or public engagement related to nuclear science, medicine or energy."

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