Monday, 25 June 2012

British businesses remain hungry for nuclear

British businesses remain hungry for nuclear: "The appetite of UK business leaders for new nuclear generating capacity has not diminished, despite the Fukushima accident, a poll conducted by the Institute of Directors (IoD) of its members shows. The IoD has published a report calling nuclear energy a "clean, cheap and safe" way of generating electricity.
In April 2012, shortly after the first anniversary of the Fukushima accident in Japan, a survey of 1117 IoD members found that 84% were in favour of new nuclear in Britain, down from 85% in a pre-Fukushima poll. The results suggest the accident "has had little or no effect on business enthusiasm for new nuclear," according to the IoD.
The same survey found that, on average, IoD members also thought that nuclear should account for around 30% of the UK’s electricity supply, a significant increase from its current 20% share.
The release of the poll results coincided with the publication by the IoD of a report making the case for nuclear energy as a "clean, cheap and safe way" to meet the UK's energy needs. The Britain's Nuclear Future report is the second report in its Infrastructure for Business series."..."
"Clean, cheap and safe - words not often linked with nuclear power, but more than a year after the Fukushima disaster, they still accurately describe a vital energy source, and one that the UK must embrace."
Corin Taylor
Institute of Directors"
This is direct link to the press release by IoD related to the report: 
And this is the direct link to the full report in pdf: 

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