Thursday, 18 April 2013

Nuclear Industrial Strategy: The UK's Nuclear Future

Remarkable long-term vision and planned actions to make it happen, something Canada is lacking: UK's policy paper on nuclear is out: "The Nuclear Industrial Strategy identifies priorities that government and industry will work on together in a long-term partnership. It aims to provide more opportunities for economic growth and creating jobs through an increased share of all aspects of the nuclear market. It covers:
•opportunities in the nuclear new build programme
•waste management and decommissioning
•operations and maintenance
•associated professional services, both in the UK and in overseas markets
The Strategy includes:
•a new Nuclear Industry Council, that bring together all the key players across the nuclear supply chain
•better coordination of research and development (R&D) and innovation through new bodies: the Nuclear Innovation and Research Advisory Board and a Nuclear Innovation and Research Office
•a cost reduction initiative to investigate the scope for reducing costs across all aspects of the nuclear industry
•a long-term plan to ensure we will have the skills required for the future"

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