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US steps up efforts on producing HEU-free medical isotopes
steps up efforts on producing HEU-free medical isotopes (I am not sure
whether there are any plans or efforts already on the way to convert the
HEU medical isotopes at NRU or not): "An agreement by the US Department
of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to fund
$2.3 million in development work at NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes
could lead to creation of a domestic supply for molybdenum-99, the most
widely used medical radioisotope. The cost-shared cooperative agreement
will help the Madison, Wisconsin, company with development of its
accelerator-based process for manufacturing the isotope by bombarding
targets of the naturally occurring isotope 100Mo with gamma rays." ...
"the US is without a domestic source of 99Mo, an isotope with a 66-hour
half-life whose decay product, metastable technetium-99 (99mTc), is used
in 8 out of 10 nuclear medicine procedures—about 16 million imaging
procedures annually in the US. For decades, roughly half the world’s
output of 99Mo has been provided, and most of the US demand has been
met, by the Canadian company Nordion, which processes HEU targets
irradiated at the aging National Research Universal (NRU) reactor in
Chalk River, Ontario.
In recent years the NRU has been forced to
shut down for extended periods, which produced severe shortages of 99Mo.
In October NRU operator Atomic Energy of Canada reaffirmed previous
commitments to halt medical isotope production in 2016." ... "In
addition to its cooperative agreement with NorthStar, the NNSA is
funding different novel approaches to 99Mo production at three other US
companies: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy has received $2.25 million to
develop neutron capture technology; Babcock and Wilcox Technical
Services Group has been provided $9.1 million to develop a low-enriched
uranium (LEU) technology in which the fuel and target material are both
dissolved in a solution that also provides the moderator; and the
Morgridge Institute for Research has received $500 000 to develop
accelerator technology to fission LEU. Each company is at least matching
the government funding.
Separately, GE Hitachi and Exelon announced
on 12 September a feasibility study of producing 99Mo at Exelon’s
Clinton nuclear power station in Illinois. The two companies will
develop a system to extract irradiated material from the reactor on a
weekly basis. GE Hitachi also announced the signing of a memorandum of
understanding with NorthStar and with NuView Life Sciences in Denton,
Texas, for the two companies to process and purify 99Mo from the Exelon
reactor targets.
Today, reactors in Belgium, the Netherlands, South
Africa, and Australia also produce 99Mo. The Global Threat Reduction
Initiative, part of the NNSA, has provided $25 million to help the South
African Nuclear Energy Corp (Necsa) begin converting to all-LEU
production, and an NNSA official said that the US remains willing to
support the conversion efforts of Canadian and European suppliers.
In June the NNSA reported that 99Mo produced exclusively with LEU fuel
and targets was then supplying about one-third of the US demand for it.
Necsa, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, and
Lantheus Medical Imaging, a US distributor of 99Mo, were delivering
record amounts of the LEU-based isotope, the NNSA said. The Australian
organization’s Opal reactor, which began operations in 2007, is the
world’s only current 99Mo source that was designed for all-LEU
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