Friday, 30 September 2011
What now that Germany dims nuclear power plants?
now that Germany dims nuclear power plants? really bad news in terms of
climate change "Even if Germany succeeds in producing the electricity
it needs, “the nuclear moratorium is very bad news in terms of climate
policy,” Mr. Varro said. “We are not far from losing that battle, and
losing nuclear makes that unnecessarily difficult.”" read more: /30/science/earth/30germany.html?_r=2&nl=todaysh eadlines&emc=tha2,
also to satisfy the required power they are buying power generated by
nuclear in neighboruring countries!!! "Set in the lush, rolling Bohemian
hills of the Czech Republic, the twin reactors of the Soviet-designed
Temelín nuclear power plant lie just 44 miles from the German border.
Since last spring, when Chancellor Angela Merkel began shutting down
Germany’s nuclear reactors, Temelín has stepped up supplies of
electricity to Bavaria, where big German manufacturers including BMW,
Audi, and Siemens (SI) have factories.
There’s a double paradox
here. Germany says its future will be nuclear-free. For the present,
though, it’s nuclear not-so-free, relying more than ever on electricity
from atomic-powered neighbors. What’s more, the Germans have been
turning off their reactors because they don’t want a Fukushima-style
meltdown spewing radiation across their country. Yet the Temelín
reactors, which are in good shape, are close enough to the border to
rain down radiation on Germany should a serious accident occur." read
more: gazine/nukefree-germany-isnt-e xactly-nukefree-09292011.html
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Is aecl sale "The dumbest in history"?
Is aecl sale "The dumbest in history"? NDP MP Nathan Cullen thinks so, Read more: siness/Sale+dumbest+Canada+his tory/5468896/story.html#ixzz1Z O08xqdg
'The government, as part of its decision to privatize the Candu
division of AECL, is facing a $59 million restructuring charge and "$93
million in adjustments to revenue and costs resulting from AECL's
subcontract agreement with Candu Energy Inc.," the newly created subsidiary company of SNC-Lavalin.
Federal spending on the sold nuclear reactor division includes cash to
"further commercial operations' progress on life extension reactor
projects" that will be factored into future royalties paid back to the
Under the terms of the sale of the commercial division,
the government and AECL must provide up to $75 million in support toward
the completion of the Enhanced Candu Reactor development program.
The sale - which was announced in June and is to close by Friday -
likely will also see more than 800 people lose their jobs. SNC-Lavalin
has committed to hiring about 1,200 of AECL's commercial operations
staff, which totals about 2,025." AT least with the sale behind us
finally, the focus could now be put back to research in nuclear science
and technology and what Canada needs to be able to continue with that,
i.e. a new research reactor...
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
What about Canada?
now you ask what about Canada especially considering that its only
major neutron source is the aging NRU, could be that Saskatchewan will
be the scientific centre of Canada with its already operating light
source, add a new research reactor, and the sky will be the limit! It is
remarkable that Saskatchewan has realized the opportunity and initiated
its commitment... This is the link to the video
of the announcement for a New Centre for Research in Nuclear Medicine
and Materials at the University of Saskatchewan back in March: "The
University of Saskatchewan will receive $30 million in funding over the
next seven years to establish a centre for the study of nuclear medicine
and science.
"In the early 1950s, scientists at the University of
Saskatchewan pioneered the use of cobalt 60 for cancer treatment,"
Premier Wall said. "Today we are taking another important step in
re-capturing that international leadership position in nuclear medicine
and expanding it to include research in materials science and small
reactor design."
The province's $30 million investment in nuclear
research builds on January's announcement of $12 million in funding from
the federal and provincial governments to build a new linear
accelerator and support research into the production medical isotopes at
the Canadian Light Source." =0saRviWgEWg&feature=relmfu
China Spallation Neutron Source
far as new neutron sources are concerned, let's not forget the China
Spallation Neutron Source currently under construction: /index.htm
... and that is in addition to the Chinese research reactor already
started up and with neutron instruments being currently built: org/NN-Chinese_research_reacto r_starts_up-1805107.html
The European Spallation Source (ESS)
European Spallation Source (ESS) will be a world-leading centre for
materials research with neutrons and will host the world’s most powerful
neutron source when commissioned in 2025: ... and it will be in addition to 12 or so already existing neutron sources in Europe ( n_about/n_where/europe)...
Also it was recently announced that the ESS and ILL (Institut
Laue-Langevin) are initiating an extensive collaboration for research
and development activities within neutron science, another major step
towards maintaining a significant role for Europe in neutron science
well beyond 2025 ( pean-spallation-source-ab/r/es s-and-ill-start-joint-r-d-in-n eutron-science,c9166154).
ILL continues with its commitment to maintain its position as one of the world's leading neutron centres
continues with its commitment to maintain its position as one of the
world's leading neutron centres even though it is turning 40 years old
this year (not much younger than NRU which is 54 years old)... here is
an interview with the ILL's director about these plans: ticle/indepth/47274 to access the audio you need to register to the, it is free: "In
this audio interview, ILL's scientific director Andrew Harrison
explains how the lab is in the middle of a major upgrade that aims to
maintain its position as one of the world's leading neutron centres.
This effort is particularly important now that construction of the
European Spallation Source (ESS) in Sweden is set to get under way. The
ESS is an accelerator-based facility that will offer a wide range of
researchers, from biologists to engineers, neutron beams that are not
available at ILL. However, Harrison insists that ILL will not become a
white elephant when the ESS comes online in 2025 and explains how the
two facilities will in fact complement each other.
physicists at ILL have plenty of experience of working with other major
science facilities because Grenoble is also home to the European
Synchrotron Radiation Source (ESRF) and several other major research
institutes. Harrison explains how this brings the best science and
scientists to ILL and continues to encourage the development of other
facilities in Grenoble.
The recent trend towards accelerator-based
neutron sources, such as the ESS, is, however, leading to a fall in the
number of research reactors worldwide, which is a concern to the medical
community as it could threaten the supply of medical isotopes.
Nevertheless, Harrison has some good news for medical physicists
because, as he explains, the ILL has several pilot projects to look at
how it could produce isotopes – particularly those that are not easily
made elsewhere. Harrison also discusses how ILL is working with a
commercial isotope supplier to work out how the institute's high flux
reactor could serve the medical community."
Monday, 26 September 2011
What is the number of deaths per TWh by energy source?
is the number of deaths per TWh by energy source? Here is a nice and
interactive chart at the IBM research website Many Eyes ( e/data/cognos/manyeyes/visuali zations/2e5d4dcc4fb511e0ae0c00 0255111976)
allowing you to compare the number of deaths measured per terawatt hour
(TWH) attributed to each of the main sources of energy worldwide: coal,
oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, and biomass as well as the
proportion that each contribute to global energy production... data is
from a variety of resources including World Health Organization (more
info could be found here 03/deaths-per-twh-by-energy-so urce.html)...
it is not surprising coal is the most lethal energy source largely due
to its particulate emissions... by comparison nuclear is doing quite
well (the data already includes the deaths attributable to Chernobyl)...
and this is while the data does not include the effects of global
warming due to the use of coal, oil etc, so the numbers for these
sources could be even higher...
Nuclear power can play a role in the exploitation of Canada's oilsands resources???
nuclear power can play a role in the exploitation of Canada's oilsands
resources??? why not go all nuclear so no oilsands will be needed in the
first place??? I guess for any power consumption is better than not
using it... "The head of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. says there's still
hope that nuclear power can be used in the oilsands - but the
vice-chairman of the company that built Canada's newest oilsands mine
says it's not a priority.
"I think nuclear has a role to play in the
exploitation of Canada's oilsands resources," said AECL president and
chief executive Hugh MacDiarmid during a presentation at the Global
Business Forum." read more: usiness/Nuclear+role+oilsands+ still+possible/5453165/story.h tml#ixzz1Z6kNMFeX
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Did Nobel Laureate, Hermann Muller knowingly suppress evidence on radiation effects in 1946???
Did Nobel Laureate, Hermann Muller ( l_prizes/medicine/laureates/19 46/muller-lecture.html),
knowingly suppress evidence on radiation effects in 1946 concluding
there is no safe level of radiation exposure???!!! a new study suggests
yes, Calabrese adds, "This isn't an academic debate, it's really
practical, because all of our rules about chemical and low-level
radiation are based on the premises that Muller and the National Academy
of Sciences' (NAS) committee adopted at that time. Now, after all these
years, it's very hard when people have been frightened to death by this
dogma to persuade them that we don't need to be scared by certain
low-dose exposures."' read more to decide for yourselves: e/newsreleases/articles/136706 .php ... see also: rts/Nobel_Laureate_may_have_su ppressed_evidence_on_radiation _effects_in_1946_999.html ... and 8-edward-calabrese-alleges-her mann-muller-suppressed-radiati on-effects-evidence-in-1946
Nuclear and isotopic techniques play a vital role in water irrigation in places with extreme dry conditions
nuclear and isotopic techniques play a vital role in water irrigation
in places with extreme dry conditions!!! "Agriculture is the largest
global consumer of water -- accounting for around 70% of the freshwater
drawn from lakes, waterways and aquifers around the world.
is operating projects in Kenya that use nuclear and isotopic techniques
to inform farmers how to use their scarce water resources efficiently
for both rain fed and irrigated agriculture.
One project is
supporting the use of "drip irrigation" a cost-effective technique that
can reduce water use by 50 per cent, compared to other forms of
irrigation. A Maasai community on the Tanzanian border is also
benefiting from the IAEA project which is helping them to grow healthy crops using very little water in extreme dry conditions." see the full video: =vbaTz8TO55E&feature=relmfu
... also check out this video
related to the use of nuclear techniques in locating safe sources of
water... "In 1993, Bangladesh found its main source of fresh water was
contaminated with natural arsenic, resulting in a public health threat
impacting millions of people. In
cooperation with the World Bank, the IAEA used isotope hydrology
techniques to help the country to find safe drinking water. By using
nuclear techniques, Bangladesh was able to demonstrate that isotope
hydrology could effectively and affordably help to locate identify safe
sources of water. This film demonstrates some of the effects of arsenic
poisoning in these villages and its successful resolution." ch?v=grPbrDVJrXc&feature=f eedu
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Wind farm health risks
the wind farms for electricity production may not be as environmentally
friendly as claimed by their proponents, this article deals with noise
and vibrations (let's not forget the potential hazard for the birds
local to the area), read more to decide for yourselves: story/2011/09/21/wind-turbines .html#.TnsiJMCdXxE.facebook
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
ILL sets a new record for ultracold neutrons in the world using liquid 4He
sets a new record for ultracold neutrons in the world using liquid 4He:
"Neutrons were discovered nearly a century ago, but still hold a few
secrets. For example, a lone neutron can transform into other subatomic
particles - a proton, an electron and an electron antineutrino - but
efforts to measure just how long this decay takes have come up with
different numbers.
Such decay times are fundamental in the "Standard
Model" of physics, which aims to describe in detail how matter as we
now know it came to be in the earliest moments of the Universe's
history, and also shed light on the fusion happening for example in
The Standard Model also suggests that despite having no net
charge, there is a small separation of charges within neutrons that
would give them what is known as an electric dipole moment - a kind of
electric north and south pole. However, experiments have until now been
too inexact to measure it." ... and so the new approach uses liquid 4He:
"It uses superfluid helium-4 at a temperature of -269C - just four
degrees above absolute zero - to slow the neutrons down, taming them
toward the 55-per-cubic-centimetre benchmark." Read more: nce-environment-14991502
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
The reactor at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble turns 40 years old
reactor at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble turns 40 years
old this winter, here is a great write up about one of first neutron
experiments performed there by the person who performed the experiments
at that time, read more: "Though our soap films were only a few
molecules thick and invisible to the naked eye, we could still bounce
neutrons off them with ease because we used heavy soap, where the hydrogen atoms had been replaced by the chunkier deuterium isotope.
I would sleep next to my experiment as multicoloured neutron detectors
glided across marble tanzboden ('dance floors'), all to a background
thrum of cooling pumps and fans. At different angles the number of
neutrons reflected off the film gently rose and fell. These ripples
revealed the thickness in the same way that a rainbow of colours reflect
the different thicknesses of an oil slick on water.
In one fell
swoop we had revealed the neutron's paradoxical character - a particle
that behaves like a wave - and measured the thickness of a film one
hundredth of a millionth of a metre across." : ence/roger-highfield/8775120/T he-physics-of-exotic-soap-bubb les.html
Sunday, 18 September 2011
How clean is the electricity you use?
clean is the electricity you use? here is a great website (US
Environmental Protection Agency) if you live in the US, just type your
zip code and it compare the sources of electricity in your region
compared to the national average: /energy-and-you/how-clean.html
... also this website is a great resource for coal-fired power plant
emissions including an article discussing the radioactive pollution ( eview/rev26-34/text/ ml) as well as other toxic substances released by burning of coal: l-plant.html
...if you live in Ontario, this website gives a live account of where
Ontario's electricity come from (at this moment 9:04am Sept. 18, 2011 it
is 76% nuclear): oelectricity/ontarioelectricit y.html
Friday, 16 September 2011
Where does the world go after Fukushima?
is the link to a great conversation discussing the question "where does
the world go after Fukushima", with three University of Western
Ontario nuclear experts: Jin Jiang, University Network of Excellence in
Nuclear Engineering Chair in Control/Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Senior Industrial Research Chair in
Nuclear Control and Instrumentation; David Shoesmith,
NSERC Chair in Nuclear Waste Management; and J. Clara Wren,
NSERC/Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Industrial Research Chair in
Radiation Induced Processes, read more: "Shoesmith: In the face of a
media torrent of misleading information, it is extremely difficult to do
that which is why it is absolutely essential to have up-front
credibility. When incidents happen you will have nothing people can rely
on if they do not trust you. There is no argument to be made for
secretive management. Careful attention to public relations is
Most people are more sensible than people in the industry
or the media give them credit for. They think a lot about the
consequences of no energy. They can look at a safety record and see how
safe Canadian systems have been for a long time. I don’t see any panic
in communities around Canadian nuclear stations. Before this incident,
certainly in this province, public opinion was becoming pro-nuclear.
People recognize the present need for nuclear generation of electricity.
I am not sure what public opinion is now, but I don’t think it has
taken a big drop": estern_news/stories/2011/Septe mber/after_japan_where_does_th e_world_go_after_the_fukushima _nuclear_power_plant_accident. html
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Celebrating the 100 year-old Rutherford model of the atom
the Rutherford model of the atom turns 100 years old this year, there
are many commemorating websites celebrating this discovery, the link
below is a great summary of the different models of the atom how they
came about and how more progress was made in simple language: nce/2011/08/the-rutherford-mod el-of-the-atom-100-years-old/? pid=1804&viewall=true
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Momentum builds for nuclear centre in Saskatchewan
progress in establishment of the nuclear centre in Saskatchewan, this
is so exciting and great news, good for Saskatchewan for this initiative
and will to become a leader in nuclear science and technology, read
more: "The purpose of the centre is “to place Saskatchewan among the
global leaders in nuclear research, development and training,” said
Root, who is on secondment from his role as director
of the National Research Council’s Canadian Neutron Beam Centre at
Chalk River, Ont. “We will get there through investing in partnerships
with academia and industry. These partnerships are intended to maximize
social and economic benefits.”
The centre will focus in areas that
have the potential to make significant contributions to nuclear
knowledge, explained Root. These include: nuclear medicine, materials
development, safety and practice in nuclear energy systems, and
society’s knowledge and understanding of nuclear-related technology." 9/momentum-builds-for-nuclear- centre/#more-1071
Atomic Ivan movie
Can't wait to see this film! org/C_Atomic_Ivan_in_love_with _the_atom_0909111.html
"projecting an image of modern young scientists; promoting the idea of
continuity of skills and culture between generations of nuclear workers;
illustrating the true nature of the nuclear industry; and attracting a
target audience through modern, topical cinematic language and
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
A site for all things uranium
Microbes generate electricity while cleaning up nuclear waste
is soooo cool, microbes clean up nuclear waste and not only that while
doing it, they produce electricity!!! “Our findings clearly identify
nanowires as being the primary catalyst for uranium reduction,” Reguera
said. “They are essentially performing nature’s version of
electroplating with uranium, effectively immobilizing the radioactive
material and preventing it from leaching into groundwater.”
The nanowires also shield Geobacter and allow the bacteria to thrive in a toxic environment," read more: / and this is the link to the full publication: ments/2011/09/a66c5eb1-c34c-41 a3-9930-c57b8f05aa8e.pdf
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
smallest atomic displacements observed ever: a major breakthrough in understanding multofeeroic
incredible discovery and major breakthrough in understanding the
behaviour of multiferroics, materials for the next-generation electronic
devices: using a novel X-ray technique, atomic displacements in
materials are determined with unprecedented accuracy, the technique
applied on multiferroic TbMnO3 material unambiguously shows that "the
electric polarisation in the multiferroic studied proceeds from the
relative displacement of charges of different signs, rather than the
transfer of charge from one atom to another." read more: s/?pid=1004600
Monday, 5 September 2011
University education is becoming less and less affordable?
you feel university education is becoming less and less affordable in
Canada (at least in in Ontario)?, you are not alone, here is a new study
from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives with some jaw dropping
comparison of the costs in 1990 compared to 2011: http://www.policyalternatives. ca/publications/commentary/inf ographic-burden-university-edu cation-ontario ... "Over the past two decades,
Ontario's system of financing higher education has become more
regressive, exploiting already over-stretched families who want to help
their children pursue their educational aspirations. In 1990, a
middle-income family in Ontario could earn the equivalent of four years
of tuition fees in 87 days; it will take 195 days in 2011. The situation
is even more dire for low-income families who are looking at the
equivalent of two years of income for four years of tuition fees in
By forcing all but the wealthiest families to play priority
roulette, assume still more debt, or make the difficult decision that
higher education is too great a financial burden to bear, Ontario is
hampering its economic and educational potential, and we are all paying
the price." read more in the full document: http://www.policyalternatives. ca/publications/reports/under- pressure
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